AI Vs Human Input

With AI feared to be taking over the labour market from humans, there is growing concern that industries will soon be devoid of human resources. Workers in various industries are surfing the net to check if they are safe from this trending wave of evolution. Amidst all this panic, we believe that, just like all the technologies we have encountered, AI is only there to enhance or complement human ability.

We cannot imagine AI replacing the warmth with which our workspace is associated – those radiant smiles that we trade with our clients as they walk into our premises, and firm handshakes that reflect our unbreakable rapports. Those light conversations on how competitive the English Premier League is, and arguments on how unfair the VAR was last night – are indelible. It is our emotional connections that grease our relationships with our clients and colleagues, and that cannot be substituted by automated machines.

According to an article written by Alessandro Beltramin, entitled ‘Artificial Intelligence in 2023: Can AI feel emotions?’, there is a school of thought that believes “…emotions are inherently tied to human biology and consciousness, and that machines will never be able to experience them.” We have built strong relationships with our clients. By human nature, we have even become telepathic to their emotions. It takes emotional intelligence to have empathy; human emotions cannot be fed into machines – our emotions and ability to reason constitute the solid ground on which our relations are premised.

The love that we attach to every stitch in our clothing manufacturing department cannot be cloned. The gentleness with which we press inks with squeegees onto fabric, plastic, paper, and glass in the silkscreen printing department has no substitute. The tenderness and care that we apply in handling our clients’ items as we pack are incomparable. The critical thinking aspect, the ability to analyse and improvise in our digital department forge a great deal of creativity that cannot be replaced by data-fed machines - thereby limiting their creativity and ability to deal with complex issues that stretch beyond their ability.

We are ready to evolve with the times in relation to the fast-growing AI-industrial development but with the hope to make AI conform to our aspirations – not the other way around. AI is there to complement our abilities and ease the way we do business. What is your take on AI replacing human input regarding emotions and soft skills such as the ability to analyse, improvise and demonstrate creativity in unique and complex situations?



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