Musk vs Mark: A Cage Fight or An Opportunity For Us to Interact?

Looks like the ‘cage fight’ we’ve been anticipating was actually in the tech ring, not the UFC bare-knuckle stand-off we’ve been anticipating. What betrayal! 😂

Is it a coincidence that, after challenging Mark Zuckerberg to a “cage fight” last month, Elon Musk receives what many think of as a “tech blow” from Zuckerberg?

With the arrival of a new Application known as Threads, under Zuckerberg’s Meta stable that also operates Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, we’ve witnessed it pass over 30 million sign-ups in less than 24 hours. That’s absolutely crazy!

Meanwhile, Musk is threatening a lawsuit against Meta for allegedly cloning Twitter, although with a few ‘improvements’ such as a maximum of 500 characters (almost double that of a tweet) on posts, and retweets coming as reposts on Threads.

As we impatiently wait for the actual “cage fight”, if it wasn’t only a metaphor, we gladly announce our presence on Threads terraces. We are glad to have met you there and still hoping to welcome those who haven’t hopped in.

To us, every virtual platform, that is introduced, is a new pair of takkies that we put on to effectively reach out to you while keeping up with the global pace on virtual streets.

How has your Threads experience been so far? 😊


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